
general price level中文什么意思

发音:   用"general price level"造句
  • 物价总水平
  • 消费价格总水平
  • 一般价格水准
  • 一般物价水平
  • 一般物价水准
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  1. The general price level , as measured by the composite cpi , has remained very stable since the beginning of this year , with the exception of january and april
  2. Thus , if the objective of monetary policy is to dampen or pre - empt inflation and the instrument selected is interest rate , the transmission mechanism describes how higher interest rates are supposed to curb increases in the general price level
  3. It is forecast that chinese economy will keep its growing tends in 2006 , but it will be affected by favorable balance of international trade , overproduction and farmers ' low income , therefore its growth speed will slow down from 9 % and the general price level will go down either
    预计2006年,中国经济在保持增长趋势的前提下,将受到贸易顺差、产能过剩、农民增收难度加大等不利因素的影响,经济增长速度将会从9 %以上的高位上滑落下来,价格总水平也将降低。
  4. These comments gave the very clear impression that the general price level has continued to fall in recent months . and on the occasion of the publication of the march figures the title of the press article in one of our newspapers reads : " deflation persists , and pace picks up again in march " , meaning , i suppose , that the fall in the general price level has gathered pace again in march
    这种说法反映一个很清晰的印象,就是近月普遍的物价水平继续下降而当3月份的数字公布时,本港一份报章便用了通缩持续, 3月份步伐再度加快为标题,相信意思是指3月份普遍物价水平的下跌步伐继续加快。




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